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Seedmatch campaign

We at bumpli® see it as our greatest purpose to offer our customers only the best on a permanent basis. Our goal is to grow quickly and healthily as a brand, to make effective and economically sensible decisions in order to make exactly the progress that enables us to always provide our customers with the best products. strong>.

In order to achieve our goals even more efficiently and quickly, we have decided to start a crowd investing campaign.
With the platform < a href="https://www.seedmatch.de/investmentChances/bumpli" title="investmentChances bumpli" target="_blank">Seedmatch we have that for us brought the best possible partner to our side. They believe in us and our ideas - and we believe in the concept they offer us!

Vermögensanlagen-Informationsblatt gemäß §§ 2a, 13 VermAnlG

Vorläufiger Jahresabschluss 2020